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08 Apr

A message from JustinJ on Covid-19

The world is gripped with a global pandemic on an enormous scale. To say that we are going through a tumultuous time would be a vast understatement. From our economy to our social practices, even our very lives, have been exposed and made crippled likes of which my generation has seen. My heart goes out to everyone that has been affected by the outbreak of the COVID-19. I am blessed to say that my family – my mother, father, aunt, uncle, siblings, and myself are at present, safe.

As much as I know these times seem dark, I know that we are going to get through this. Soon, we will be able to enjoy the warmth of the sun on our face, hear and feel the laughter of our friends and family members. We will be able to soon enjoy picnics, cookouts, first dates, 20th dates, good (albeit sometimes overly expensive) dine-out dinners, and social interaction again. We will see a "new normal" way of life soon. But we have to understand that the only way we will achieve this is by doing it together.

In this short time, I have seen great displays of compassion and understanding within the human condition. From our first responders answering the call for help to the restaurant owner offering to pay the salaries of their staff while we are quarantined. Yes, my friend, the world will never be the same.

While you are doing your part to combat this virus, whether by socially distancing or battling in the fray, I want you to think and do something for me...and yourself. Take this time during our global hibernation to learning something new. Whether its a new skill, something you've always wanted to try, picking up a new hobby, or just taking time out and changing something in yourself that you found fault in, THIS IS THE TIME TO DO SO! You no longer have the excuse of not having enough time, being too busy, stressed, or tired to finally do something for yourself. "A journey of 1000 miles starts with a single step", what's stopping you from achieving your first step?

Today is the day to become conscious of your self-worth and power. It's your chance to remind yourself and all those around you – we are strong, resilient, and intelligent beyond imagination. It's your turn to lead, not follow. Find your truth. Take the time to support others who might not be able to see the forest through the trees right now. The human condition is not as fragile as we have been made to believe.

I believe in you and I can't wait to watch you do amazing things.

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Justin Jones is an entrepreneur, professor, speaker, and author celebrated as a Brand Architect. Author of 5 Ways To Build A Better Brand, Justin also the host of The BrandUp – a monthly business and advising podcast serving topics and segments on business & marketing, interviews, and thoughts on current news and events. He also created a personal and professional development program, NVRSTLE University and the NVRSTLE Apparel line.